Tuesday 27 October 2009

by Kieron McFadden
A look at what appears to be government hysteria over Swine Flu and a vaccine that may well be more dangerous than the disease.

With the President declaring the swine flu outbreak a "national emergency" and relaxing the rules to ensure everyone gets their shots "during a crisis," the way is being paved for frightening the population into accepting a vaccine that is inadequately tested and may well cause more illness than the "epidemic" it is purported to counter.

To be honest, I am more worried about the behavior of the government than I am about a flu virus. I‘ve run into flu many times in my long life as I have inept government and I know which scares me the most.

For a start, one can be forgiven for asking "what epidemic?" It appears to be a media phantasm more than anything. There is no evidence thus far to suggest that swine flu is anything but milder than the normal seasonal flu which nations year in and year out take in their stride without fleeing ashen-faced for the hills.

So to whose tune is the White House dancing? What pressure is being applied that brings about this febrile servitude to merchants of fear and chaos?

Upon what are the White House, the media and the pharmaceutical manufacturers basing their wailing and gnashing of teeth and their exhortations to "Be afraid! Be very afraid!" They begin to appear less than level-headed.

While the swine flu provides less of a justification for national and international terror than, say, seasonal flu, malaria, heart disease, diabetes, drug overdoses and deaths while in the hands of psychiatry, the vaccine purported (but not proven) to deal with it is genuine cause for alarm.

I would fear the vaccine the population is to be injected with en masse far more than a dose of flu. There are after all precedents for vaccines doing more harm than the disease.

One only has to look at its list of contents; the antifreeze and mercury, pig blood, rabbit brain and other assorted offal for instance and the very inadequate testing it has undergone, to conclude that one would probably be better off taking their chances with the flu.

After all, media doom-mongering to the contrary, I don't know anyone personally who has actually had this flu, at least nothing severe enough to be classed as more than a cold. I do know one lady who knows someone who had it and she reports they were off work for three days and then got well. Scary stuff! I see from discussions on the internet many other people who have similar observations.

Of the small number who have tragically died after catching the flu, almost all already had prior health and nutrition issues that rendered them more vulnerable and this very same vulnerability may well place them at risk from the vaccine too.

Reasonably healthy people on the other hand, if they catch it at all, spend a few days in bed, take their vits and ginger. honey and lemon drinks and get over it as the majority of human beings always have done. Based on what we have seen so far, if you are in reasonably good condition, the likelihood of you dying from this flu is almost zero. We cannot yet be so confident about the vaccine

On the other hand, even in good health as I am, I would not inflict upon my body or the bodies of my children the gunk they have put into this improperly checked and tested vaccine. Of course, if they do go ahead and mass-inoculate the population and people get ill or die from the antifreeze, mercury, aluminum and so forth, it will be easy to cover it up by blaming the flu, won’t it?

The H1N1 vaccine lists pig’s blood and "porcine" among its charming list of assorted gunk. I’m not a Muslim but I’m wondering what would be the position should human rights be violated and compulsory vaccination inflicted on the populace, of devout Muslims?

Of the two evils, I’ll take my chance with what at the moment appears to be the lesser: the flu, thank you very much.

And if I take plenty of vits, especially C and D, maintain a healthy diet and keep taking the Wild Blue-Green Algae, I have no doubt I’ll either not catch it at all or I’ll spend a couple of days in bed worrying about the febrile state of mind of my government and then get on with my life.
Visit Well Healthy and pick up your Free e-book on the Wild Blue-Green Algae.

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